Sarah Mae Bell

I've been exploring jewelry for as long as I can remember.  As a young girl I bought a tackle box and filled it with beads, ribbons, and wire.  As an adult, I enjoyed jewelry as a fun thing I did just for myself. This was a breath of fresh air to me when I had three young children at home.  Even though I adore taking care of them and am so honored to be their mother, I believed that it was important to keep learning and growing personally as well.  I think women often don't take enough time for ourselves to do the things that make us come alive inside.  

Several years ago a friend of mine was given a silver cuff handmade by a skilled silversmith in Colombia, South America.  As she and I were admiring it she said to me, "You should totally do this!"  Something in that moment hit deep in my soul and I knew that this was worth my pursuit.  Metalsmithing has become a creative outlet for my soul.  I adore women and am so honored to be able to create things that bring them joy and help them remember their own beauty.  

I started out by watching tutorials online and getting my hands on as many used tools as I could afford. Eventually, I found an older silversmith in North Carolina who taught me and then took classes in Arlington, Texas. Most recently I did a stone setting intensive at the New Approach School for Jewelers in Nashville, TN. I’m always exploring new facets and techniques along this beautiful path.